Courses and Fees

Kikokushijo Japan

When families return to Japan after living overseas, their children may struggle to stay up with schoolwork and acquire English. Kikokushijo Japan is a course desgined to help families with children who have started their education outside of the coutnry and are returning to Japan.

Learn More about Kikokushijo Japan

Kikokushijo Japan Fees

  • Application Fee: ¥20,000
  • Annual Supply Fee: ¥20,000
  • Event Fee: ¥10,000
  • Class Fee: ¥7600/120 minute lesson, ¥30,400/month (Max 12 students)

Joy Members Special Tuition

Students that attended at least 2 years at Joy to the World American International School and pass the Kikokushijo entry requirements are eligible for Joy Member tuition.

  • Class Fee: ¥6200/120 minute lesson

Parent's English Class

  • Lesson Fee: ¥2,495 per lesson

Mo-T-Vate Private & Semi-Private Lessons

Private Lessons

  • Private Lesson: ¥8900 (Target Text Book Fee: Charged at time of use)
  • Mo-T-Vate Adult Private: ¥7600
  • Mo-T-Vate Kids Private: ¥7600

Semi-Private Lessons

  • Semi Private: ¥5490 per student, 60 minutes (Max of 4 students)

English Speaking Doctors & Nurses Certificate Course

With the ESDN, you can improve the quality of your service with your English-speaking patients. We designed MoTVate's focused interactive lessons to increase your English ability dramatically.

We are busy preparing this course and will open for enrollments soon.

Learn more.

Cooking With Jerry!

Our "Cooking with Jerry" series of videos is currently freely available to stream on Youtube.

In person and online classes are being planned now.

Learn more.


All of our books for children are available for purchase on